mercoledì 17 agosto 2011


It's a strange feeling. I never had any problem in describing my mood, but this is a different day, and I can't do much more than stare at a clear white page.
Beautiful or deadly animals I picture in my head, green overwhelming nature or woods on fire, and the hundreds of people that knew my name. Some of them knew nothing more, some got to know my personality, some dug into my weaknesses, some others were surprised by the strength I hide. Who I will meet again along my life's course, who I will never meet again, who I have already forgotten, who I will never be able to forget. Every single thing, starting from the most terrifying insect I saw to the untasty instant noodles that followed me on my roadtrips, from having breakfast and dinner with different people every day to the long, long kilometres I walked with my own legs had an impact on my soul. They built a different person, with a different consciousness of the world we are living in, with wider horizons, and stronger opinions. The little world I will join again tomorrow will be screened by two very different eyes; they will give a more critical look, but somehow it will be softer as well.
I have reached the end now, and I can serenely say that I had absolutely no clue about what was going to happen on my way to Australia, and even if it matched my hopes, I didn't know that the first important decision of my life would have been the best one. At the time, I didn't know what I was looking for, I still don't know it now, but I do know what I have found. I've found something I will treasure for ever, something I'll try to teach the people I love, but that they'll never learn if they don't get out of their safe homes and find it themselves. Something I will try to tell, but I'm not sure I'll be able to.

So, what is the biggest lesson I learnt ? How could I describe the improvements of this whole year of travelling around with only a few words?

I think I know what happened. I think I fell in love. I fell in love with life, with a free life.


The Overland entered Melbourne's Southern Cross Station as I saw a young guy with garish blond hair, big headphones and a colourful scarf standing out of the crowd. He was impatiently looking around..he must have been waiting for somebody, I thought.
The biggest, spontaneous smile exploded on my face as I got off the train, grabbed my backpack and ran into him. He took my hand, and together we walked through a rushed month in the metropolis of arts.
Arrived in 21 Marwick street I meet Goran's flatmates, who widely open their doors to a wandering girl who had not seen a house and a proper shower for a long, long time. From the first day she's been satisfied with great food, comfort and smiley faces, as she was finding her way through the big city after the longest time ever spent in complete natural isolation.
I remember the first days were hard. I had trouble in following the rhythm, trams were coming from every direction, my mobile phone was ringing.. I did not like all of that. I can see myself walking down Brunswick Street for hours, going into every café and restaurant, trying to look happy and confident while I was hoping to get a job though it was the last thing I really wanted, still trying to realize that my travels were over,come to their end. No more animals jumping around me, no more funny trees,no more sand, no more rocky roads... I can see all those people bumping into me along those wide crowded streets, as I was too slow for them; while walking through nature every thing alive knows you're passing, and gives you way. Ants included.
However, as usual, every little piece slowly found its place. I found a part time job just in front of the restaurant where my brother was cooking,I finally had the chance to learn and listen to the new songs Galeb had produced, and to be happily surprised while meeting his new Melbournian friends. I heard about them, I was curious to meet them, and what happened is that once again I could confirm how amazing his capability of attracting good people is. Each of them had a different character, a different interest, a good story to tell, and I would thank them all for the amazing enthusiasm they showed in getting to know me, and the love they all transmitted to me on my last day, while a great and improvised cocktail party celebrated the end of my adventure, the end of this amazing year, the start of a new beginning.